Sunday, January 15, 2012

Its not my Job.....Its you!

So as everyone else in the world I'm one of the many millions of people that hate their job. Its no actually my job that I have is what I hate. What I hate....that's such a strong word, what I dislike about my job is my co-worker. Yea I think that many other people feel the same way, my co-worker, hes a piece of work let me tell you. My job which I will not disclose, is a very delicate profession, One mistake could kill a person....or make them very ill .So this job requires complete Focus, not only that you have to be quick too. Oh! the elderly how I love them when they are Home! I'm not shitting on the elderly ....for better words I'm not saying I'm any better than anyone its just that sometimes its not safe to have someone that can't do very much working with you. Its very frustrating and dangerous I would equally say that both my concerns hold a very heavy argument. I'm just tired of doing everything and babysitting a 70 year old . Its actually very depressing how one elderly man could change my whole outlook on the entire Senior citizen community . I honestly think that a person that can no longer function the way that they used to 10-15 years ago should stay home, or get put in a loving home where they will be looked after. Its amazing that this man can come from one state to another God walks with him , its amazing how much knowledge he knows but there are bits and pieces that are becoming a bit blurry. It think that its sticking to me there are times when I find myself mumbling and stumbling , I do not know it may be that Im so overwhelmed that my mind it just shutting down. I guess I do it at home to because my significant other will look at me funny from time to time... well only when my words come out like Idonotknowmaybelikethis all stuck in one big word fragment..... I need to breathe, its getting stuffy in here. I feel Monday coming in less than 24 hours . I like many other people ...yes All Zillon of you HATE Mondays!!! My ordeal, my time to the community comes on Mondays. What have I've done to deserve this??? Thinking back a few years in my life there have been some mishaps, some regrets am I being Punished for it now?? I should have went to church when my mother asked me to give her company it wouldn't have been that bad... I'm Catholic so Mass is only like 1 hour . I know this because the few times I went I continually stared at my watch. Perhaps its all the bad behavior I had in High School Im truly sorry I killed the Principles fish . I think hes in Fishy heaven with all the other flushed down the toilet goldfish. At least I hope. Hopefully I'm alive on Monday and my brain doesn't ooze  out of my head so I can write another could be a great Monday too I think its not a Mythological creature it must exist ,,Till Monday Cheers 

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